Aardappel Anders

Aardappel Anders

Just something different!

The sauces from Aardappel Anders make a potato meal just that little bit different. You can easily and quickly add a particularly tasty taste to any meal with potatoes, vegetables, meat or fish. With the three delicious variants; Ham-Cheese, Bacon-Onion and Garden Herbs-Garlic, you keep varying and prepare a meal quickly and easily.

You can use Aardappel Anders for all kinds of meals, such as casseroles, quiche or stir-fries from the wok. And it’s also super healthy! Because potatoes contain many vitamins, such as B and C, iron and fiber. This most eaten vegetable in the Netherlands also consists of 80% water, with 0% fat and fewer calories than rice and pasta. With this you can enjoy a delicious healthy and responsible meal every day.

For more information, go to www.aardappelanders.nl.